Wednesday 25 November 2015

260. comatose

My long weekend was really good, there was so much going on during the weekend that I'm still tired today. On Friday, I decided to skip class because it was just an excursion to Ikebukuro. I stayed home and painted something up for Palm and was really happy with the result. Rock-o-Rama was on Friday but I decided not to go because the lineup didn't impress me enough.

On Saturday I made my way down to Nakano Broadway again because there was an artist meet-up and also because I wanted to see James Jean's exhibition again before it was over. I'm glad I went to view his work again because I could slowly look at some details I have missed out last time. I bought his book, Pareidolia, at the gallery. I'm more than happy with this book, I think it's worth every penny. The packaging is really beautiful and it comes attached with a two-side poster of Adrift and Pagoda. The book also included a lot of my favourite work by him and his sketchbook drawings. Best purchase I have made in a while.

I missed out these two pieces the last time I went. My new favourite now is actually Kali ( the one on the right). After the exhibition, I was able to find my tumblr-art store again. It's just next to the gallery and spent quite some time there. There was some new stuff and a small exhibition going on also, so I took my time to browse through some stuff. I really love Nakano Broadway so much, anytime I can get lost in all the art makes me a very happy person. I found some rare Aquinox Uno and Junji Ito badges and bought them. 

I went to the artist meet-up after that, and walked around and played some gachapon since there was Ranma 1/2 again. I was really lucky this time, I got Shampoo and P-chan with just two turns! Yay! After everything, I went to Bar Zingaro for coffee and to look at my book. It was kind of crowded since it was a Saturday. I didn't stay for too long and made my way to Kichijoji to meet Kenta.

I met up with Kenta outside Club Seata since he was still watching some bands at the Obscene Extreme music festival. Caught up for a little bit, actually kind of long... we just stood infront of the venue for close to 45 minutes. I didn't even notice the time. I gave him the art I made for Palm and chicken rice cookies I promised to get him the last time I was in Osaka. It was nice seeing him again, wish I could have seen Toshi and Akira but didn't want to bother them since they were watching bands. Also, finally got Palm's Honorable Death shirt that I wanted since they posted it online.

I was really happy with the feedback I got from my art on Saturday. It reminded me of why I love to do art so much. I haven't felt that way about my art in a long time. I guess I always give myself excuses to not do it but now I make more time because art is my number one priority in life. I need to do something about it.

Went home not long after saying bye to Kenta and slept early since the next day was lynch.'s tour final. (See next post)

Now with the help of friends, I feel like I am going in the right direction of my art. I just need to spend even more time drawing because I want to make some merchandise. I have changed my sleeping habits into waking up earlier and sleeping earlier so I have more time to do more things and revise my Japanese. Actually, I have been more productive this way.

December looks like it's going to be a very very busy month for me. My mom is coming to visit on the 1st for a week. She bought her airplane ticket on impulse, she must really miss me. H is back in my life, so I have to make time to meet him. Again, he took me by surprise in so many ways. I'm slowly starting to believe he might be the one. 

Once my mom leaves, I have a couple of shows to go to. Right off the bat, I have MUCC x lynch. , and after that it's all In Hearts Wake x Crystal Lake shows. I'm excited for all the upcoming shows. Also excited about the future now.

Today I finally watched A Clockwork Orange, and it fucked with my mind so much. It's one of those movies that makes you question a lot of things. It's not generally my style of film since it's a dystopian crime film but I did really enjoy it. No one told me that the main character, Alex, made famous of his trademark outfit (all white outfit with a bow hat and long eye-lashes on just one eye), was so short-lived. His outfit I mean. It has a lot of great artwork and cinematography in it too. As always, I'm always finding new films to make me feel something.

I hope I don't tire myself out too much. I still have exams to study for in the midst of everything. Life has took another turn and I really hope as long as I work hard, I can get to where I want in life. 頑張ります。

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