After wanting this tattoo for such a long time, I'm so fuckin' happy I finally have it and got it done in Nagoya. It's funny because I actually dreamt of getting this tattoo months ago and it just made so much sense to me when I woke up from that dream. That was when I told myself, I have to have it.
In my dream, I was actually talking about tattoos to someone, I can't see his face, in dreams everything is always a blur. But we were talking about Hazuki's Until I Die tattoo. The person in my dream told me that Hazuki got his tattoo particularly on his neck because it is near his throat, and in Until I Die, the song by lynch., he sings :
I'm leaving for the last time,
However I will be singing,
Yes, until the day I die
So it made sense to me that he tattooed it near his throat because he sings I will be singing until the day that I die. Still in my dream, I said to myself I want to tattoo until i die on the lower part of my right arm where I can see it all the time. Also because I use my right hand to draw. I always tell my sister " I will draw and paint until the day I die."
When I woke up, it made so much sense to me and I really wanted to get it done because I need to keep reminding myself to never give up on myself and my dreams and to do art until the day I die. Nothing else. There is nothing more I want in this world but to draw for days and paint for nights. Nothing makes me happier, and if I could live off just my art - which I definitely will one day, it would be a dream.
I've been trying to find a good tattoo studio in Tokyo since the last time I was here in August but I couldn't locate it. But I am happy I didn't get it done last time. I'm even happier now getting it done in Nagoya because it means so much more, and since lynch. is from Nagoya, it only makes sense (to me at least). On top of it, it was such a good way to commemorate my trip to Nagoya with Yuri because it was such a good trip and the happiest I've been in a long time. Honestly, there is no one else I'd rather be with than her in Nagoya.
Plus, I met one of the members from lynch. (AK), so it was also good to remember it. Here, I leave you with one of my favorite songs of all time. I will never stop loving this band more and more.
I am also happy you got the tattoo on our trip. Seriously the best trip i ever been on, and I'd never been more happy in my life that when we were in Nagoya together <3