Saturday, 7 March 2015

204. black metal and kids

Yesterday was a good day, I finally got to see Mad after so many months being away. The last time I saw her was at her engagement party, which was in October. We didn't do anything exciting, we just caught up over coffee and dropped by an art supply store and book store before going for dinner, then meeting up with her fiancee. It was nice talking to her again about music and one of the reasons why I was even her friend in the first place, black metal!!!

I haven't been talking to her much about music in general in a long long time because we both were so out of the loop on things but I was telling her about some recent bands that I've been into and showed her one of the bands I like vocalist's Instagram account, and she got so excited seeing he posted some black metal stuff. Also showed her some videos from Knotfest and talked about Lamd of God. I really miss our school days and after classes we would hang out pigging out somewhere just talking about music, and I always loved listening to her stories about all the satanic rituals or how dark some of the bands she liked are.

She finally sent me some photos from her engagement, but these are the best 3 that I liked.

Hopefully we can meet up one more time before I head back to Japan. It's weird right? Being an adult, suddenly you have too little time for yourself because you are busy juggling work, your relationship, your career, future plans... so much stuff to think about. And we also got on the subject of having kids. I'm pretty sure she will have kids in the near future because she adores children but I can't say the same for me because I'm not really a big fan of having kids and being tied down. It's one thing if my boyfriend ties me down, but having kids is a totally different story.

But that is still way ahead in the future, so when the time comes, we'll talk about that subject again. 

So little time left here and I'm not sure if I am happy to head back to Japan so soon. Only time will tell.

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