Friday, 30 November 2012

056. bitter & sweet

I've been feeling better after the first few days, so on Monday, I decided to walk around the CBD a little more. We skipped breakfast and lunch and headed straight for tea time at Brunetti. Had Soy Chai Latte again (I think I will be drinking it everyday, haha) and some sweet stuff. Plus, the weather was perfect, I think it was only 20 degrees. Ohhhh and the Tiramisu and Lemon Brulee tart was yummy. :9

After tea, we just walked aimlessly around the CBD.

I've walked pass St.Paul's Cathedral so many times and never walked in, actually there are so many cathedrals around the CBD in Melbourne but I always only go to St.Patrick's because my parents got married there. Yes, you can say that I'm biased and partially lazy to "explore" other churches. 

And this is the alley way next to the cathedral. It was so windy that my dress flew and this guy standing next to me was just staring/laughing at me. -_- Same dress as the last time I went out with Shinpei. Never EVER wearing this dress on a windy day again, EVER. It's like I'm doomed to show everyone my undies with this dress.

We walked down some more to St.Patrick's Cathedral and stayed there till closing time. After that, we went to Fitzroy Gardens for a scroll, where I got chased by a duck. Seriously, this particular duck chased anyone who didn't even stand that close to it. I get that it's trying to "protect" it's young but this poor duck is just crazy. But nonetheless, the ducklings were cute!

Miniature houses! 
After walking around Fitzroy Gardens for a little bit, we took a tram down to get some dinner. 

Well, you've guessed it, Vietnamese for dinner. :3

So far, I am enjoying Melbourne a lot. I hope I don't have to go back.

Monday, 26 November 2012

055. bookends

So here I am finally in Melbourne! It's only 12 degrees as I write this, the weather here makes me so happy. I arrived on Friday morning, and my body failed on me for the last 2 days, so I mostly stayed in the apartment to rest.

On Saturday, I had Mexican food for dinner. It's my first time and now I know what Yuri was saying about the rice and beans. Love it, I might be going back for some more next week or something.

On Sunday, I was feeling much better, so mom and I decided to walk around the CBD. We had yum cha for lunch, still yum cha is the best and I even had mango pancakes for dessert. :3 After lunch, we walked down to Federation Square and there was a book market going on. They sold a lot of cute things like accessories, art, bags, iphone cases and all that. I bought a cute cat ring and mom bought a nice laptop bag for little sis.

There were a ton of cute stalls, so we just spent some time there. Reasons why I love Melbourne.

These buttons were so cute!

I really love seeing fairs like this. Hopefully, I won't be lazy to go out on weekends. If not I'll be missing out on a lot. After this, we walked down to Brunetti's to get some nice coffee. Can't tell you enough how much I loathe Singapore's coffee (other than Oriole and my hazelnut soy latte at Coffee Bean).

There was this bird nest thing(?) displayed outside Federation Square, I am not sure what it is, but you can actually smell the plants/wood from where I was standing. So at Brunetti's, I got the Soy Chai Latte! So yummy, I will be going back later for more and maybe some cake. After coffee, we walked down to Flinder's Lane and just basically around the CBD. I stumbled upon a 3 storey magazine shop, called Magnation. It's really cute.

To my surprise, they sold Dazed and Confused here! I was telling little sis to go to Kinokuniya back in Singapore to get the latest issue because it was a Japanese "underground" scene fashion and this issue had Kiko in it so I must have it. *_* But since they sell it here, it looks like I will be missing Kinokuniya a little lesser. 

I thought the shop was so cute because they had chairs for you to sit and browse magazines, and it's so quiet in there. I love to bury myself back in magazine/books back in Singapore so this place is ideal for me. They also sell Juxtapoz magazine here, so I am insanely happy. All I need to do is find Hi-Fructose and I'll be all set. Both of them are art magazines, by the way.


After looking at the magazines, we went to Meyer and David Jones for some window shopping. Mom wanted to buy some baby clothes for my god sister's daughter, she's due on 13th December. So we spent some time window shopping until the early evening. When we decided to go back to the apartment, we stopped by Target to grab some light dinner.

Also, on the way there, I was looking at how this guy uses spray paint quite differently from other people. It was quite interesting because I used spray paint before but never thought of using it this way. Spray paint always remind me of Hana (my friend's black cat that I looked after for a while), I was doing some school work and being the nosey cat she is, she came to "touch" my art work while the paint was still wet and after that her paws were all pink and she walked around the house, there were pink cat paw stains on my floor and I had to clean up after her. -__- Still, I love her no less.

I really love Melbourne.

But my body has been failing me for the past few days and I've been coughing like crazy and having a lot of sleepless nights. If this goes on, mom wants me back in Singapore and I have to put the move on hold. ;____; But it is true, I have been having some anxiety issues for the last couple of years and now my body failing me is saying something. I need to get myself fixed first before thinking of living alone.

I don't want to go back to Singapore to be honest. I really hate it there but we'll see. I hope things turn out better in the next couple of days. Wish me luck!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

054. atsushi sakurai


Been obsessed with pictures of him from the 80's/early 90's. 

There's just something about his look that draws me in, 
I've been searching for guys to draw and it's rare for me to really like one.
 I want my guys to be feminine looking but still masculine at the same time.

Also, theres a certain kind of romantic look about him that I love.

And no, I don't listen to Buck Tick. (He's the vocalist)

Yes, I know, Lyy is forever obsessed with band guys.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

053. pulse_

Aoi Yu 

My life basically.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

052. tekkonkinkreet

" Sometimes you have to get close to find out what's inside. 
Sometimes you have to get burned to see the truth. "
credit : x

I have been meaning to pen this down since I watched the film last week. Tekkonkinkreet or 鉄コン筋クリート (Tekkonkinkurito) is a 2006 anime film directed by Michael Arias, adapted from the manga of the same name by Taiyo Matsumoto. I love animated films and the background art on this film blew me away, also I think Shiro stole my heart.

The beginning of the film already drew me in.

Especially this part :

Sometimes you have to get close to find out what's inside. 
Sometimes you have to get burned to see the truth. "

I was like "woah" my entire year explained in two short sentences. This year has been a good year, just certain people are so not worth keeping close. They're plastic. So plastic, you wouldn't even believe me if I told you the truth.

Also, the art on this film is mind blowing as the story itself. I could relate a lot to Kuro while he was going through depression from leaving Shiro. That darkness that engulfs you when you are growing through hard times is really not a funny thing. It's like living in a never ending nightmare that you can't wake up from.

I love how the city looks like so many Asian cities combined, to me, it looked like Osaka, Tokyo, Thailand and Jakarta, there is also a little bit of Hinduism, and the architecture of Hindu temples. It's really amazing and I swear it must have taken the artists forever to paint the cityscape.

 It's been a while since I've been so into a film like Tekkonkinkreet. It's definitely one of the best animated films I've watched, ever. 

Also, I did some research on it and there's more photos over at Audrey Kawasaki's livejournal (x). I could stare at the cityscape forever.